Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Selecting k smallest or largest elements

There are cases when you need to select a number of best (according to some definition) elements out of finite sequence (list). For example, select 10 most popular baby names in a particular year or select 10 biggest files on your hard drive.  

While selecting single minimum or maximum element can easily be done iteratively in O(n) selecting k smallest or largest elements (k smallest for short) is not that simple. One approach could be sort the elements and take the first k elements. But that requires O( nlogn) time.

Priority Queue can be used for better performance if only subset of sorted sequence is required. It requires O(n) to build priority queue based on binary min heap and O(k log n) to retrieve first k elements. Can we improve this further?

Quicksort algorithm picks pivot element, reorders elements such that the ones less than pivot go before it while greater elements go after it (equal can go either way). After that pivot is in its final position. Then both partitions are sorted recursively making whole sequence sorted. In order to prevent worst case scenario pivot selection can be randomized.

Basically we are interested in the k smallest elements themselves and not the ordering relation between them. Assuming partitioning just completed let’s denote set of elements that are before pivot (including pivot itself) by L and set of elements that are after pivot by H. According to partition definition L contains |L| (where |X| denotes number of elements in a set X) smallest elements. If |L| is equal to k we are done. If it is less than k than look for k smallest elements in L. Otherwise as we already have |L| smallest elements look for k - |L| smallest elements in H.

Working Java Code:

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